What makes a story great? How much power do stories hold?

From the oral traditions of the past to the digital techniques of the present, stories have always been a crucial part of human communication. But why do they hold so much value to us? More important, how can we use what we know about storytelling to communicate more effectively? These five sources take a look at the science behind storytelling and offer insight into how we can use science to tell our stories better.

Can Science Explain Why We Tell Stories? - The New Yorker

Stories are the currency of life. There’s no escaping stories or the pressure to tell them. This article takes a look at the scientific theories behind what makes stories work and why we like them.

The Feel Good Principle: How Hormones, Habits, and Behavior Affect Storytelling - Get Storied

It is basic human trait to like things that make us feel good and avoid stuff that hurts. This article explores this principle’s effect on storytelling and how you can use use it to your advantage.

The Business Case for Storytelling - Get Storied

A simple formula can make the case for storytelling: context + perception = value. These three fundamental elements are the key to why storytelling holds value for institutions.

Science can tell us why we love storytelling, but how can we use these insights to create more effective narratives? What other lessons can be learned from the science of storytelling? Share your thoughts, questions and resources in the discussion below. 

The Science of Storytelling: How Narrative Cuts Through Distraction Like Nothing Else - Fast Company

Man is the storytelling animal. We communicate and live through stories. Author Jonathan Gottschall discusses the science of storytelling and how stories have real power to hold human attention and shape our thinking.

How to Tell a Story - TED What makes a story great? How much power do stories hold? In this playlist, masters of storytelling explore new answers to the age-old questions of storytelling.



What Makes a Great Story from the Founder of StoryCorps


Rhythm: The Most Important Thing About Your Organization That You Don’t Understand