Code of Conduct

The Communications Network is dedicated to a safe, productive, and harassment-free experience for everyone. Our full Code of Conduct can be found below.

Code of Conduct

The Communications Network is committed to honoring its values of community, learning and leadership by providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, or religion.  This code of conduct outlines our expectations for attendees’ behavior at all national and local events of The Communications Network, as well as the consequences of unacceptable behavior. We expect all participants (speakers, attendees, staff, and other guests) to abide by this code of conduct at all event venues and event-related social functions.

Expected Behavior:

First and foremost, treat everyone with respect. Participate while acknowledging that everyone deserves respectful treatment, and that every participant has the right to enjoy their experience without fear of harassment or discrimination.

  • Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative.

  • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.

  • Immediately inform The Communications Network CEO or Board Chair in person, by phone, or by email if you experience a distressing situation.

  • Many Communications Network events are shared with members of the public; please be respectful to all patrons of these locations.

Unacceptable Behavior:

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to: intimidating, threatening, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, demeaning or disorderly conduct, or possession, use, or distribution of any illegal substances. The Communications Network does not tolerate the use or abuse of illegal substances at any of the venues where events are held.

Harassing conduct can take many forms and may include, but is not limited to: slurs, offensive jokes, statements, gestures, photographs, drawings, cartoons or pictures, assault, impeding or blocking another’s movement or otherwise physically interfering with activities, conducting unwanted audio or visual recordings, violating someone’s “personal space,” engaging in leering, stalking, staring, intimidating or threatening behavior, or making offensive communications such as in the form of emails, telephone calls, voicemails, text messages or social media. Sexually harassing conduct in particular may include all of these prohibited actions, as well as other unwelcome conduct, such as requests for sexual favors, conversation containing sexual comments, physical contact, lewd or offensive behavior or language, and other unwelcome sexual advances. Sexually harassing conduct can be by a person of either the same or opposite sex.  The Communications Network reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine what constitutes unacceptable behavior.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior: 

Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated whether by other attendees, media, speakers, or venue staff. Anyone asked to stop engaging in unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior, The Communications Network may take any action we deem appropriate, up to and including immediate expulsion from the event without warning and without refund of any registration or other fees, and revocation of membership.

LOCAL Events:

This code of conduct applies to all participants at all Communications Network events, including LOCAL events. Any concerns should be reported to the LOCAL leader and/or The Communications Network CEO or Board Chair.  Please immediately notify security staff (if applicable) and The Communications Network CEO or Board Chair as soon as possible, in person, by phone, or by email.

What to do if you witness or are subject to unacceptable behavior:

Speak up! Harassment will not be tolerated at The Communications Network. If you are subject to unacceptable behavior, notice that someone else is being subject to unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please immediately notify security staff (if applicable) and The Communications Network CEO or Board Chair as soon as possible, in person, by phone, or by email.  Please also notify appropriate law enforcement if necessary. The Communications Network will be available to help participants contact venue security or local law enforcement, or to otherwise assist those experiencing unacceptable behavior to feel safe.