Make Video Part of Your Nonprofit Marketing

Four strategies to enhance your video marketing.

When it comes to online nonprofit marketing, there are a million options—some more personal than others. Video is an awesome way to not only showcase your impact, but share a bit of your nonprofit’s personality, too.

Visual content is extremely popular. The social sphere is full of infographics, photos, videos and more. The benefits of using video to promote your nonprofit are endless, if you have the material and the resources. The key with video is: keep it brief. We all know how short people’s attention spans are—especially when surfing the web. Short videos are a great way to grab the attention of potential supporters, pique their interest and drive them to engage with your nonprofit.

As with anything new, you can feel a little directionless when getting started. We’ve pulled together a few examples of nonprofits rocking their video marketing to help you generate some ideas.

Share Your Mission

The Mocha Club takes a unique approach in their work. It’s not only about helping people in Africa through their various initiatives. They believe the people of Africa have a lot to teach the rest of the world about life. This video clearly explains the need their supporters are meeting, and in under two and a half minutes.

Highlight Your Impact

I love everything about Back On My Feet. As a runner, I just find their mission insanely cool. This video does an awesome job of explaining the way they’re changing people’s lives. In under three minutes, viewers have an intimate understanding of who they’re helping, what they’re doing and how their impact extends so far beyond just getting people out running.

Share How You’re Using Donations

World Vision is a large-scale nonprofit that operates a wide variety of initiatives all over the world. What I love about this video is how simply it explains the nuts and bolts of the organization. Comprised entirely of graphic images and narration, viewers gain a clear understanding of exactly how donations are used to benefit this nonprofit’s cause.

## Celebrate Your Supporters

Charity: water is big on using current supporters to drive interested people to act. This video does a great job highlighting some of their more unique supporter-driven campaigns, and in just over two minutes. Not only does it serve as an inadvertent thank you to all their current supporters, it does a great job inspiring viewers to think up their own crazy idea to raise money for the nonprofit.

You can do a lot to promote your nonprofit with video. There are so many avenues you can travel down. These examples just barely scratch the surface. But, hopefully you’re walking away with some great ideas. The only real “rule” is to keep it short. You want to catch people’s interest and keep it. It’s better to end the video with them wanting more. Include a call to action. Encourage them to engage. Turn a video viewer into a supporter.

Are you using video in your nonprofit marketing? Have you done something unique you’d like to share? Post a link in the comments! We’d love to hear from you.

Cross-posted with permission from Wired Impact



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